Servicing the Cincinnati Tri-State Area


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About Us


Growing up as a kid my dad always played pool.  I would watch him for hours as he and his friends would go around the table sinking balls and having a good time.  As I got older, he would let me play but not before I practiced my drills.  I can remember trying to get the shaft of the cue into that beer bottle opening for what seemed to be hours.  I can now see the method to what I thought was madness at the time.  It developed many good habits and routines.  Not to mention a  smooth consistent stroke.  This created a love for the game that I have carried all of my life.  Spending hours through my teens and twenties on a table with my friends and family.  Funny how everyone's ego gets going with a little trash talking on the table.


In high school I decided to take woods class as I was always building something.  This is where i met E. C. Keith, the teacher in the shop.  He dedicated many hours to his students and worked with me for years.  I can hear him all the time saying "You bone head."  Mr. Keith encouraged me to take on tasks that normal students would not like by building lamp tables and other projects.  I would stay after school to finish them for years.  He also encouraged me to join TSA (Technical Students Association).  This was a great opportunity for me to travel across the United states going to national competitions.  Technically, TSA pushed for the best and with hard work, we as a group earned many awards on an annual basis.  Those were some of my fondest high school memories and helped me to develop many useful skills.


In early 2000, after graduating from EKU, I combined my love of wood working with my love of billiards.  I started off just working on my own cues.  I mean who knows better what I want more than me, correct?  This progressed and I started working on my friends cues as well.  After some time I decided to try my hand in building a cue.  I mean after all, I had already had years of experience in maintenance and several fields of engineering.  The first cue was a disaster.  There is more to it than i thought.  So I started reading books and watching videos.  I utilized anything I could find to learn the trade.  I would spend hours trying to get my hands on information from knowledgeable cuemakers.  After about 3 years of trial and error, I found the design I was looking for and finally got the cue to hit how I wanted it to. be successful.  It is still a work in progress but I have put a lot of time and effort into making these cues hit the way they do.


Finally, I had  some satisfaction.  I must say there is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that comes from finishing a beautiful cue and knowing that it shoots great.  An even better feeling is when you see your customers faces as they receive their cue and hit their first ball.  I must say that this is a labor of love and is good for my soul.  I have seen people do things I can only hope to accomplish with my cue on a table.


I have always been extremely particular with the care of my cues and try to pass that on to my customer.  A shaft that flows smoothly through the fingers makes for a great shooting experience.  Those who purchase a pool cue know that it is a tool for what you are about to bring to the game.  It is much like listening to the guitar in the right person's hands.  A person can loose one's self in the moment.  I only want the best and that is what I strive to give you.  Hopefully making something you will love and cherish for years.

Current News


As some may know and others do not I have being going through some personal ordeals over a period of time.  During this time I have had some help with the work in the shop.  With this I have given them an unpaid apprentice ship to learn the trade as there time allows as they are my friends and support in this time of need.

I am continuously improving and continue to carry on with the tasks at hand.  I look to be back in the mix in the near future.

I love what the pool world has brought me and will continue to support the great people that have come into my life through this game.



The Shop


We currently produce a limited quantity of one off cues.  Each is unique in its own way. 

A majority of our time is spent repairing and refinishing cues.  We perform rewrapping services and have had many great comments on our leather work.  We stock several different types of tips for fixing and fine tuning your cue.  If you want your cue to get a quick face lift we can buff and polish the cue to a great shine.  We look forward to working with you on your billiard needs.