Servicing the Cincinnati Tri-state Area


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These are some of our Past Cues

These cues vary  according to customers specifications.  Each cue was built using top quality materials which were selected for each particular cue.  The designs vary but will give you a general overview of some of the work we have done in the past.  Perhaps you can get some Ideas as to what you are looking for.
Four Point Cocobolo and Straight Grained Maple with White Butt cap, Joint, and Inlays.  Dashed coco and maple ring work at joint and veneers above butt cap. Black Teju Lizard Wrap.
True Sneeky Pete with a radial pin.
"The Wedding Cue"
8 point pink ivory with black and white ebony butt and points with 2 veneers.  with stitch ring at A,B,C,D,& E.  Radial Pin.

Player cue with large butterflys.  Radial Pin.
Amboyna burl and madagascar ebony handle and butt player cue.  Radial Pin.
Bocote with Claro Walnut points and butt.  Nice brown lizzard wrap.  Radial pin joint.
Cored Thuya Burl forarm and butt with great figured birdseye handle.  Radial pin joint.
"Welcome ERB"
Highly figured Birdseye Maple with Ebony high and low points with recut Holly and Holly butt.

Curly Maple and Highly Figured Shedua Sneaky Pete.  Hard oil finish bumperless cue with brass radial pin.

Figured Shedua and Tiger Maple.  3 veneers black, natural, green, and Buckeye Burl Butterfly Sneaky Pete.